
Rails on Wheels
525 E. Michigan Ave #151
Saline, MI 48176-1588

Founded 1988

    Where We Meet

Updated: 10-FEB-2017   

The Saline Historical Society Depot Museum

Rails on Wheels usually meets on the second and fourth Thursday nights of each month from September through May. Meetings start at 8:00pm, and typically run until 9:30 or 10:00.

The Business meeting is usually held at the Saline Historical Society's ex-NYC depot and Historical Museum at the corner of Ann Arbor and Bennett Streets on the near north side of Saline, Michigan.

The Social meeting is usually held, informally, at Zukey Lake Tavern, 5011 Girard Drive, Lakeland (Pinckney), MI 48169. This is along M-36, approximately six miles west of US-23 exit #54 southbound, and exit #54B northbound.

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